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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!


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Everything posted by beckyrepp

  1. Visit http://americanroadmagazine.com/sample_iss...mple_issue.html to reach excerpts from the new Autumn 2009 edition of American Road.
  2. I'm jealous! Have fun everybody!!! We'll be looking forward to hearing all about it. And, send our best to Ramona at the Munger Moss.
  3. I found this comprehensive camping checklist on line - many of these things (like the basic first aid kit items listed) are good to have along for any road trip. http://www.lovetheoutdoors.com/camping/Checklists.htm Becky
  4. SF, I agree that there's just something exhilarating about driving a really good car on the American Road! We appreciate you sharing your experience - and the great pic! Becky
  5. Great news! Sara (our Marketing Manager and Advertising Associate) had her baby last Tuesday - a girl. Less than 7 pounds. Sara's husband called that day and said that mom and baby are doing well. So, join us in welcoming a new American roadie to the world!
  6. American Road magazine is now available at the famous Cozy Dog Drive-in on Route 66. Grab a Cozy Dog and pick up a copy of the magazine to enjoy with your lunch, dinner, or snack! http://www.cozydogdrivein.com/
  7. Thanks for sharing Dave! I just love these old maps. It makes me feel sort of bad for the folks a few generations from now - I don't think GPS units will feel quite as nostalgic as one of these old maps. Although, maybe I'm wrong. . . the first computers aren't quite the same as those we have now!
  8. Hi there, I recommend contacting Debra Hodkin from the Route 66 Mother Road Museum in Barstow as she may be able to provide some assistance. The museum # is: 760-255-1890. If you call, tell Debra we said hello! I'm guessing some of our other Forum members may have some suggestions for you, too.
  9. Working on the Autumn 09 issue. The files go to the printer this week!
  10. I am sooo jealous! I LOVED "Emergency"! He was my 'fav.'
  11. Things have been really busy at American Road HQ lately. Sara Wilson, our Marketing Manager and Ad Sales Associate will be going on maternity leave for a few months. We're very excited for Sara, but, we will definitely miss her while she's out. Mike Joyce, our Ad Sales Associate for the Rocky Mountains region is retiring after 45 years in the business. We're going to miss Mike. We hope he has an opportunity to relax and enjoy the American Road! Stepping in to take over the Rocky Mountain and the Great Plains Regions is Christine Martens. Christine will also serve as Marketing Coordinator. Christine comes to us with nine years of experience at Wausau (Wisconsin) CVB. We are very excited to have Christine join us. Christine is a regular road warrior--she has worked for the Wisconsin Highway 51 Association. Christine's Forum name is WisHxGeek - so, please join me in welcoming Christine.
  12. This just in from Mike Hocker, of the Ohio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway: (Ohio) — From a meager beginning of 250 yard sales the first year, to over 750 last year...and over a staggering 1,000 individual pull-off yard sale events this (fifth) year, many people we talked to shared the same ideas, Ohio Lincoln Highway Historic Byway Director Mike Hocker commented, " that this was the biggest and best yard sale yet, or that this year's opening day, Thursday, was the biggest Thursday--or even the biggest day--ever. Almost everyone said sales were up, traffic was up, and the money was up! Many people also commented observations like "the BUY-WAY Yard Sale this year turned a corner," "jumped an octave in energy," or "created a new sense of community." While some communities actually rested somewhat this year with a lesser population of sales, many others were more populated. Small communities like Leesville, Gomer, Oceola and Robertsville were almost wall-to-wall yard sales. Many included the wonderful aroma of hot dogs and sausages on the grill, and many had coolers of bottled water...many free for the asking. There are 39 communities across Ohio's portion of the Lincoln Highway. This year's BUY-WAY poster child was Van Wert. They have both the Route 127 sale AND the Lincoln Highway sale in town for three days. And, it was they, themselves, who extended the invitation to the Rt. 127 folks (who had never even thought of extending their yard sale that far north before), and added fairgrounds activities--flea markets, a rib cook-off, a free concert, a cruise-in, a car show, a tractor drive, making for full hotels, happily "slammed" restaurants, busy gas stations and other retails, over 300 yard sales (many as big as 30 vendors in one stop), and called it a CROSSROADS Festival. Other towns hosted village-wide sales, so a person could actually spend the day driving around town shopping. Ada, and Upper Sandusky were examples of this. "I think this event is now running on its own juice. Now let us see if indiana, Illinois, Iowa and other Lincoln Highway states grab on to the branded name "BUY-WAY" and keep it going across America next year," said Hocker. Next year's dates will be determined and announced at the end of the month. For more information, go to:www.historicbyway.com.
  13. Howdy Dave! I definitely want to see a pic of your new ride! The blog: you can focus on whatever you want. Personal experiences are really great. Your maps - awesome! We want folks to think of the blogs as a great place to share American Road trip memories, thoughts about travel, etc. The only thing we are asking of people is that they keep the blogs family friendly (just like we do the Forum). And, we want to keep in mind that we don't want to lose steam on the Forum - so, linking to your blog in the Forums is a great strategy. I see the blogs as a little more personal than the Forum. What do you think?
  14. Hi Dave, Sorry for not getting back to you on this. I admit that in this case, I'm not sure -- as the info provided on the website isn't quite clear to me (or at least the info that I found). It does look like fun, though!
  15. It's Tuesday. Time to start planning your weekend getaway! For road trip itineraries visit http://americanroadmagazine.com/itineraries/itineraries.html Safe travels!
  16. Hi Ray, Thanks for your message and interst in the blogs. We are planning on opening the blogs to all members. Our webmaster was evaluating the blogs for security and other issues. We hope to open up blogging to all members in the next few weeks. So, grab your keyboard and get ready to post! Best, Becky
  17. Sad news indeed. Our thoughts are with Rich's family and friends.
  18. Good news! The Linksbucks intrusion seems to have been removed from our Forum by the good folks at LunarPages! They've added additional security to prevent something like this from recurring. If you still notice a problem, please let me know. In the future, please do not hesitate to notify me of any problems such as this on the Forum. Pat, Jennifer, and all the Forum moderators work really hard to try to keep the Forum clean and free from intrusion. Many thanks to Denny for his help in troubleshooting the problem today. I couldn't have communicated with our hosting company if it weren't for his assistance. So, please all join me in thanking Denny for his help. Best, Becky
  19. Hi Everyone, I am writing to report that this Linksbucks intrusion was not authorized by us. Denny notified me of this problem late yesterday. We are working with our webmaster, website hosting company, and Invision Power Board to remove this intrusion from our site. I apologize for their unwelcome invasion. Thank you for your patience as we work through this problem. Becky
  20. Hi Everyone, I am writing to report that this Linksbucks intrusion was not authorized by us. Denny notified me of this problem late yesterday. We are working with our webmaster, website hosting company, and Invision Power Board to remove this intrusion from our site. I apologize for their unwelcome invasion. Thank you for your patience as we work through this problem. Becky
  21. Hi Doug, Welcome to the Forum! We have a few Route 6 experts around. Russ, of the US Route 6 Tourist Association and Joe Hurley - who walked US Route 6 a few years ago. Joe wrote a feature article that ran in American Road's Summer 2005 issue about his journey. Joe also writes for our now regularly recurring department about US Route 6. Rick Etchells, one of our dedicated readers, has created a very useful index of back issues. He has cataloged all the articles appearing in American Road sorted by issue, by department, by route, and by author. If you look at the index you can do a 'find' for US 6 and you'll find a number of articles--of course articles about US 66 and US 60, and probably some other roads, will pop up in that search as well, but, I believe you will find it a very useful tool. I'll take the opportunity to once again thank Rick for his hard work putting this index together. Thanks Rick! The link for the index is: http://www.americanroadmagazine.com/sample...ndex_Binder.pdf Best, Becky
  22. I found this fun digital scrapbook kit today - seems like a cool way to preserve those road trip memories http://digi-designs.blogspot.com/
  23. Rev up YOUR Road Trip! Fill up your gas tank on us! Win Great prizes from American Road® and these Great Sponsors: http://www.visitalton.com http://www.chesapeakebyway.org http://www.americashistorictriangle.com/ http://www.southernoregon.org/drives http://www.creolenaturetrail.org http://www.drivelincolnhighway.com http://www.travelks.com/ Prizes to be awarded include: Summer2009Cover $100 Gas Card DVD collection: Great Road Trips & Scenic Drives ($49.95) DVD collection: America's National Parks ($49.95) To send an electronic entry with your name, address, email address, and phone number for the American Road® Trip Sweepstakes. To view contest rules visit: http://americanroadmagazine.com/sweepstakes/sweepstakes.html By submitting the information above you are authorizing Mock Turtle Press/AMERICAN ROAD® Magazine and any affiliated parties to contact you with any additional news, information, or offers. You are also authorizing that the contest sponsor may contact you. If you wish to opt out of receiving information from any of the above parties you must indicate 'opt out' and designate the party from whom you choose not too receive information on your entry form. All entries must be postmarked by July 31st. Best of Luck, Becky Repp American Road Magazine
  24. I enjoyed reading this article about classic autos influencing museum visits -- and interest in historic highways (this one mentions the Lincoln Highway and US 40): http://auburnjournal.com/detail/119639.htm...e=&town_id=
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