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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!

Antique fair find


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That is an incredible find. I'm curious... 1935. Where does it show US 66 ending in the west?

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It's 1934.  And the western terminus of 66 is in Los Angeles, hard to tell exactly where.  The Los Angeles city map in the back is stingy with US highway shields.  The farthest west 66 shield shown is in Monrovia.  Also interesting is that California is one of the few states that did not by that time have a numbered state highway system.  Only US routes are shown on the combined California/Nevada map, and now California state shield is shown for reference, unlike nearly all other states.  The variety of state highway shields is amazing!  Arizona's had a 'backwards' swastika on theirs, which was a Navajo symbol before that idiot in Germany ruined it forever.  You can see ti above, inside of the arrowhead, which in turn is inside of the detailed state outline.  Current AZ shield is a very simplified and 'stylized' rendering of our state's shape.

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Nice find!  My oldest atlas is an undated Clason's Touring Atlas from sometime in the 20s, with all the named trails.  It's not in great shape and cost me $9.00, so you got a bargain!

- Don

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