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Route 66 And More Photos


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I thought people here might be interested in a pair of slide shows I created after a recent road trip vacation across parts of Route 66 and through northern New Mexico and Colorado.


I live in South Dakota, so headed straight south on Highway 83 until we hit Route 66 and made a loop over to Albuquerque and back up. We had four smoothie hubcaps on our PT Cruiser at the beginning of the trip, but only one survived, so we called our route the "Lost Hubcap Trail."


Check out my photos at









Edited by ChadSDPhoto
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Really beautiful images!


It is great work like yours that makes me both want hit the road, and give up taking photos :) ! It takes more than a good eye to get your shots. You have to have a “gift.”


I am inspired by your images. I promise myself I will spend more time seeing the image, not just the scene.


The music was discordant......for me. I know there are many who will adamantly disagree and for good reason. Some like kick boxing, others ballet. Maybe there should be two versions...one recalling street racers and the other warm memories of another day. Both have their place, and their audience..


Nice Job! Thanks for sharing.




Keep the Show on the Road!

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Thanks Dave! Photography is my job but also fun for me, so that helps a lot.


Legitimate comments on the music. I asked my son to provide two songs, one "Beach Boys/Chuck Berry" style and one "John Denver" style. I think he did pretty well, but if this was a big-budget Hollywood movie they probably would be different.


Keep an eye on my blog for an upcoming post about how traveling across South Dakota can provide the same experience as Route 66 in a much more compact package - www.dakotagraph.com.



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I see Rick has chimed in. He is another guy with a gift in the photo genre.


I perhaps didn't give the music a fair shake. I probably muted it too soon and just enjoyed the pictures, missing much of it.


I hope you will give some of your time and talent to the Yellowstone Trail in South Dakota.




Keep the show on the Road!

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No problem Dave. As you said, everyone has their own taste in music and I don't expect everyone to like this. Besides, being the father of the musician I'm a little biased. :)


I'm the photographer for the South Dakota Dept. of Tourism, so anything in the state is likely to find itself in front of my lens at some point. I shoot along the Yellowstone Trail and the Black and Yellow Trail fairly often. Unfortunately our office hasn't yet put a lot of effort into promoting those trails specifically, so my work doesn't always reflect the heritage of the roads.


Rick - both of these videos were shot with an Olympus Pen E-P3 mirrorless camera. The timelapse stuff was shot in video mode and then sped up while creating the shows in Windows Movie Maker. Nothing too fancy. I use a full range of Nikon gear for my work, but the Olympus is my personal vacation shooter.


Thanks for checking out my work. My blog post comparing Route 66 and a trip across South Dakota is now live at www.dakotagraph.com. I'd be curious to see what all-out road warriors like yourselves think about my ideas there.



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Your photos always impress and I don't know why I was not subscribed to your blog. I have now corrected that.


The videos combine stills, motion, and sound better than any I can recall seeing. You and, I suspect, your son are evidence of why making a living doing something you truly enjoy is one of the keys to happiness and also one of the keys to quality. The videos seem like examples of what can happen when talented professionals have fun.


Your SD/66 comparison is also excellent. I actually feel that there are attractions at the side of virtually every road and that just about any road can be an interesting drive. All that means is that I wasn't at all surprised by the number of SD attractions you identified. Of course, driving Route 66 is the most popular and best known road trip in the world and the one that all others are compared to by most people. Helping them (and South Dakota) out a little is a good thing.

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Thanks Jim and Denny.


Agree with your thoughts about every road having something interesting Denny. I'm working to spread the understanding of nostalgia travelers to our office at South Dakota Tourism.

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