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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!


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guyrcook2015 last won the day on January 26 2016

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About guyrcook2015

  • Birthday 09/18/1951

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guyrcook2015's Achievements

Day Tripper

Day Tripper (1/6)



  1. http://www.addthis.com/academy/web-design-seo/ How to Make Your Web Design SEO Friendly Don’t overload the page with visuals. Heading tags help SEO and the more keywords you get there, the better Mobile-friendly means SEO-friendly HTML5 is full of SEO helpers A great user experience (UX) means great SEO Edinburgh Dusters - The company that likes to clean http://edinburghdusters.co.uk/ Thanks to BLAB.IM https://blab.im/ Mention Information Kit close date for "Make Goals Issue" closes 2/18/2016 Will add link for Information Kit http://www.guyrcook.com/2016_Information_Kit.pdf
  2. The new podcasts are online as a FEED @ https://feed.podbean.com/theguyrcookreport/feed.xml Only have 4 episodes setup so far, hoping this takes off please share.
  3. https://guycook.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/blog-content-planner-from-digital-marketer/ is my 'blurb' about using that, and a quote post is @ https://guycook.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/happy-monday-20151207/
  4. 1492 - Christopher Columbus notes 1st recorded reference to tobacco 1884 - Colonization of Africa orgainized at international conference in Berlin 1948 - Mackenzie King retires after spending 22 years as the Prime Minister of Canada 1969 - 250,000 peacefully demonstrate in Wash DC against Vietnam War 1988 - PLO proclaims State of Palestine, recognizes Israeli existence Read more @ http://www.onthisday.com/today/events.php
  5. Social-Network-Infographic for you Important information to be aware off, so shared it here too.
  6. Sharing youtube Videos Now a quick note about sharing youtube videos, this one is on youtube.com as https://youtu.be/IGBrDBbynd8 right. That makes the ID of that video be IGBrDBbynd8 ok? So to have just the thumbnail to share (like is on the page now at http://route6tour.com/Route6californ.htm Always start with http://img.youtube.com/vi/ image-ID-goes-here/0.jpg ok? then were it says image-ID-goes-here you paste in the IGBrDBbynd8 ID for that video, and then YouTube will serve up the thumbnail from their site for that piece. Something I learned and share here now as part of 'paying my dues' Yes, the code is JUST the image-ID-goes-here , keep the 0.jpg too ok? Have a good weekend.
  7. SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Facebook - Guy R Cook Webdeveloper https://www.facebook.com/guyrcook.webdeveloper vDomainHosting Google + page https://plus.google.com/+Vdomainhosting vDomainHosting Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vDomainHosting guyrcook Twitter https://twitter.com/guyrcook vDomainHosting - Pinterest vDomainHosting, Inc on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/vDomainHosting/ vDomainHosting, Inc LinkedIn Company Page https://www.linkedin.com/company/vdomainhosting-inc Guy Cook - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/guyrcook Just for Kitsap - Mobile URL - Facebook https://m.facebook.com/JustForKitsap vDomainHosting, Inc (@vDomainHosting) | Twitter https://twitter.com/vDomainHosting
  8. Have you posted your 2016 Editorial Calendar yet? Just wondering...
  9. Want to find a way to connect on a deeper level with your audience? Maybe generate a little bit of conversational buzz about your brand? Twitter chats are one of the best ways to do just that! http://wealmedia.com/twitter-chat-strategy/ #guyrcook #twitterchat
  10. https://www.americanroadmagazine.com/forum/blogs/entry/265-%7B%3F%7D/ You’ve just finished writing a great new blog post. You’re excited that you’ve shared your ideas and expertise with the world. But what should you do next? 12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post by Brody Dorland has some good ideas on what to do. http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2011/03/blog-post-to-dos/is that URL and within it is a link for even more, it's called: 7 NEW Things to Do After You’ve Published a Blog Post. So armed with those 2 links, you're not going to wonder 'What's next, but rather have a set of things to implement for your blog posts. Recently my Social Media Checklist for Event promotion was created, it's available from this short link http://bit.ly/guyrcooksmc and even has a link for a short 'how-to' video
  11. On Google+ @ https://plus.google.com/u/1/+GuyCook/posts The first question: What do I do first? (in setting up their new website) The answer might well be this simple: Planning Session All good websites come from a good plan. More on that @ the About tab on my Google+ page
  12. Help your Website Everyday Have A Right Start - via Guy R Cook The answer might well be this simple: Planning Session All good websites come from a good plan. Sounds redundant, but it’s true. If you want to create a good and solid website, you need a good and solid plan. I know it’s hard to do, and I know you want to keep poking and playing with this exciting program, but it is time to take a break away from your computer and turn to the old paper and pencil. That’s right, we’re going back in time to when people actually wrote things down. On a piece of notebook paper, or whatever is lying around, describe your site. Take five to twenty minutes to come up with a purpose for your site, or better yet, call it your Mission Statement. Answer the following questions: What am I going to do with this? Who is going to read this? What kinds of information will I be posting? Why am I doing this? Who am I doing this for? How often am I going to be posting and adding information? Now, compile this information into a paragraph so it looks like this: This website will be dedicated to X, Y, and Z, and cover the topics of A, B, and C. The audience will be __________ ________________ _______. I will be adding posts every _____________ about ________ _______ ______________. I am doing this because _____________ _____________ __________________.
  13. Ah, that Salt River Canyon, very scenic indeed.
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