How to Make Your Web Design SEO Friendly
Don’t overload the page with visuals.
Heading tags help SEO and the more keywords you get there, the better
Mobile-friendly means SEO-friendly
HTML5 is full of SEO helpers
A great user experience (UX) means great SEO Edinburgh Dusters - The company that likes to clean Thanks to BLAB.IM Mention Information Kit close date for "Make Goals
The new podcasts are online as a FEED @
Only have 4 episodes setup so far, hoping this takes off please share. is my 'blurb' about using that, and a quote post is @
1492 - Christopher Columbus notes 1st recorded reference to tobacco 1884 - Colonization of Africa orgainized at international conference in Berlin 1948 - Mackenzie King retires after spending 22 years as the Prime Minister of Canada 1969 - 250,000 peacefully demonstrate in Wash DC against Vietnam War 1988 - PLO proclaims State of Palestine, recognizes Israeli existence Read more @
Sharing youtube Videos Now a quick note about sharing youtube videos, this one is on as right. That makes the ID of that video be IGBrDBbynd8 ok? So to have just the thumbnail to share (like is on the page now at Always start with image-ID-goes-here/0.jpg ok? then were it says image-ID-goes-here you paste in the IGBrDBbynd8 ID for that video, and then YouTube will serve up the thum
SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Facebook - Guy R Cook Webdeveloper vDomainHosting Google + page vDomainHosting Facebook guyrcook Twitter vDomainHosting - Pinterest vDomainHosting, Inc on Pinterest vDomainHosting, Inc LinkedIn Company Page Guy Cook - Facebook h
Want to find a way to connect on a deeper level with your audience? Maybe generate a little bit of conversational buzz about your brand?
Twitter chats are one of the best ways to do just that!
#guyrcook #twitterchat
You’ve just finished writing a great new blog post. You’re excited that you’ve shared your ideas and expertise with the world. But what should you do next? 12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post by Brody Dorland has some good ideas on what to do. that URL and within it is a link for even more, it's called: 7 NEW Things to Do After You’ve Publis
On Google+ @ The first question: What do I do first? (in setting up their new website) The answer might well be this simple: Planning Session All good websites come from a good plan. More on that @ the About tab on my Google+ page
Help your Website Everyday Have A Right Start - via Guy R Cook
The answer might well be this simple: Planning Session
All good websites come from a good plan. Sounds redundant, but it’s true. If you want to create a good and solid website, you need a good and solid plan. I know it’s hard to do, and I know you want to keep poking and playing with this exciting program, but it is time to take a break away from your computer and turn to the old paper and pencil. That’s right, we’re going b
I still think that the 'one tank of gas trips' are my favorites, living in Western Washington there are lots of close to home destinations on the 'Places to Go" list, and I'll start adding those here as time goes by.
Port Orchard, Washington is one, here's a link to the Chamber of Commerce website
Good journeys,