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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!

R S S For Blogs


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The forum's RSS feed tells me when there's a new topic and I might even subscribe to a particularly interesting one. But what I typically do, is just stop by once in awhile. Actually, I stop by rather often. I may log in and "View New Content" or I may just scan the time stamps and move on if there's nothing recent. Every now and then I'll look in the blogs section to see if there's anything new there but I haven't been doing that very often. Blog entries were usually pretty old before I saw them. I knew I could subscribe to individual blogs via email or RSS but I never did. Beside, that wouldn't tell me of new blogs anyway.


I recently noticed that there is an RSS feed for the combined blogs. It's the second entry in the list available through the RSS icon next to "View New Content". It's an pretty long name but it does have the word "Blogs" in it. I'm now subscribed to that RSS feed and get a notification whenever there is a new blog entry. There isn't a lot of blog activity but at least I now see what there is before it's a month old.

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There are blogs here?


Yup! There are blogs. They 'officially' started with the launch of the new website. Feel free to create your own travel blog. I need to improve at posting all my trips. This year is just flying by...




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