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All American Canal Work In Eastern Cal

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I've been watching with trepidation over the lasrt couple of years as badly needed Al-American repair work and actual canal relocation work has inched closer and closer to original Hwy 80 remnants in the Imperial Dunes area. Visiting the San Diego cousins over turkey day, I can now sadly officailly report that we have lost snippets of orignal Hwy80 blacktop remnants theat exisitng just on the north side of I-8 immediately west of the Grey's Well rest stop. These fragments were very important as they were remnants of the firts attempt to 'lock' the dunes in place by pouring asphalt over the tops of them. This was done in 1926 and the then new road replaced the movable plank road that preceeded it. This became original Hwy 80 later that year.


Fortunately, it appears that the strip of original 80 to the right (north) of the big curving hill just west of the rest stop appears to be intact and out of danger as the makeshift construction access road lies just north of it. I wa safraid they would rip it up. After this construction is finished, it may be possible to access this small bypassed segment as they plan on improving the off road vehicle access to the norht side dunes in this stretch.


Further west, a relocated All-American Canal has forever changed the landscape and view between Gordon's Well and Brock research Station Road. The embankment for the canal walls lies literally on the north shoulder of the Evan Hewes Highway and has buried numerous 1927/1930's/1960's geodetic markers and numerous c-blocks. The embankment is high enough that it has destryoed the view as swell.


I realize that the relocation/repair work had to be done, but sad to see vintage roadbed gone forever regardless... :(


Jeff in Tucson

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I've been watching with trepidation over the lasrt couple of years as badly needed Al-American repair work and actual canal relocation work has inched closer and closer to original Hwy 80 remnants in the Imperial Dunes area. Visiting the San Diego cousins over turkey day, I can now sadly officailly report that we have lost snippets of orignal Hwy80 blacktop remnants theat exisitng just on the north side of I-8 immediately west of the Grey's Well rest stop. These fragments were very important as they were remnants of the firts attempt to 'lock' the dunes in place by pouring asphalt over the tops of them. This was done in 1926 and the then new road replaced the movable plank road that preceeded it. This became original Hwy 80 later that year.


Fortunately, it appears that the strip of original 80 to the right (north) of the big curving hill just west of the rest stop appears to be intact and out of danger as the makeshift construction access road lies just north of it. I wa safraid they would rip it up. After this construction is finished, it may be possible to access this small bypassed segment as they plan on improving the off road vehicle access to the norht side dunes in this stretch.


Further west, a relocated All-American Canal has forever changed the landscape and view between Gordon's Well and Brock research Station Road. The embankment for the canal walls lies literally on the north shoulder of the Evan Hewes Highway and has buried numerous 1927/1930's/1960's geodetic markers and numerous c-blocks. The embankment is high enough that it has destryoed the view as swell.


I realize that the relocation/repair work had to be done, but sad to see vintage roadbed gone forever regardless... :(


Jeff in Tucson




An interesting report! I didn’t know the significance of that section. I guess paving worked!


I’m glad there is some original roadbed left. Like you, I regret when an original roadbed is changed or destroyed, especially when it is historically significant.


If you get the chance and have the time, can you post the coordinates for the site? I recall looking at it via Google Earth before, but I have forgotten exactly where.




Keep the Show on the Road!


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Definitely sad but good to know that some original roadway remains.


Dave, I can't pinpoint the actual remnants but know the area is near the between-the-lanes pull-off here: N32° 44.2383' W114° 53.4357'.




Thanks! I used your coordinates to locate the rest stop, then went west as suggested. I’m guessing the road segment starts at the red + (about .38 miles along the white line) south west of the rest stop. It is visible on the streets view.




Keep the Show on the Road!




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The left red point seems OK, but the one in the rest stop needs to come down just a tad. Right below your white line notice a line of bushes in the V as the freeway lanes come back together. That's old asphalt. Here are some photos of this area from two years ago. Photos 49-55 are of the asphalt in the rest area.

2007 US 80 Photo Galleries

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