OK, but I'll keep it brief, since we're really getting off topic. The only parts of 66 that we were on during this jaunt were Andy Devine Blvd through Kingman AZ on the way up and about a mile or two through Flagstaff on the way back home to Tucson!
Anyway, the trip entailed a drive from Tucson up to St. George UT via I-10, US 93, and I-15. One of these times I'm going to check out the section of old US 93 that breaks off from the current route just before 93 joins I-40 east of Kingman.
We spent three nights in St. George and one night at Jacob Lake AZ. One interesting 'roadie' side trip was driving the section of old US 91 that branches off from I-15 at Littlefield/Beaver Dam AZ and winds north into Utah, through the Shivwits Paiute Indian Reservation, and comes into St. George from the northwest rather than the south as 15 does. The road is in decent shape and had virtually no traffic at all until we were approaching the St. George outskirts. But for scenery, the I-15 alignment through the Virgin River Gorge is much more visually appealing. Indeed I would rate it as one of the best stretches of Interstate anywhere. Still, it was good to check out the "old road"!
On the return, as I mentioned previously, we of course stopped at the Navajo Bridge, one of my faves! It is SO good that they kept the old bridge open to pedestrians, and that they copied the look of the old bridge for the current span alongside.
Had a brief chat with a delivery truck driver there who recounted that he drove his truck over the old span many times prior to 1995, and how narrow it was compared to modern bridges.
One other old bridge note: If you're on US 89 north of Flagstaff, check out the old bridge across the Little Colorado River at Cameron, on the Navajo rez. It is just to the west of the current nondescript bridge. Unfortunately, this bridge is not open to walkers, probably because it is still in use as a pipeline bridge. Beautiful old style (1920s, I'm guessing) steel span!
And one final bridge note: The construction of the MASSIVE new Hoover Dam bypass bridge on US 93 still has quite a ways to go, so I'd say you will still have a couple more years to drive over the dam. Once this bridge is finished, I hope one will be able to stop on either side and walk out on it. The view of the dam and the river from the middle of the new bridge should be fantastic!