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American Road Trip Talk (Podcast)- Tom Holm: Eco Trek Plant Power

Foster Braun



American Road TripTalk (podcast) - Tom Holm: Eco Trek Plant Power

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Tom Holm is a man on a mission to change the way Americans travel our favorite roadways without becoming enslaved to foreign oil based fuels. In early 2011, Tom completed a 10,000-mile Eco Trek from coast to coast and back powered solely by cellulosic ethanol. It's a fuel derived from cornhusks, stalks, and other plant byproducts and is currently produced by a company named POET. We'll hear more about them in a future podcast; but today's conversation with Tom talks about the incredible event that turned his life around 180 degrees to plant based fuels and is now leading him on a quest that could have profound impact on the defenses of our nation. The Cellulosic Ethanol used in the EcoTrek Tour is produced by POET. You can follow Tom's entire Eco Trek journey through his blog. Find out more about the Eco Trek Foundation.

American Road TripTalk (podcast) - Tom Holm: Eco Trek Plant Power

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We want to thank the city of St. Joseph, MO for sponsoring this American Road TripTalk. Make history this year and bring the family to St Joseph, Missouri and make it a vacation they'll never forget. In St. Joseph you'll discover 150 years of history where the Pony Express began and Jesse James ended. Experience history, make history...go to St. Joe, MO

Feel free to comment, criticize and correct our podcasts because we are always looking to make them better. In particular, if you know of anyone who might make a good subject for these podcasts, please let me know in the comments section. See you soon on the great American Road.



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