Last June, my wife and I drove Lincoln Highway from New York to San Francisco
through 13 States. I made slide shows of the pictures I took during our trip and
posted them on the net.
Several weeks ago, I posted a message on Yahoo's e-Group of American Road.
In the message, I wrote URLs of my slide shows.
A day before yesterday, a hacker attacked the server of which I have been renting
some space.
All index files not only of mine but of all customers of the provider rewritten into
a page of antiwar movement related to Lebanon War. The provider notified us
the contaminated server should be initialize very soon and all data will be deleted,
and they will stop service thereafter.
I uploaded my slide shows to another rental server which is I believe more reliable
and safer against hacking because its provider is a subsidiary of NTT, largest
telephone company in Japan.
New URL of my slide shows is
This is just for your information.