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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!

Timothy Fitzgerald

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Posts posted by Timothy Fitzgerald

  1. Here are some ideas for making long drives or long road trips more enjoyable:


    Stop at points of interest along the way


    Stopping at points of interest breaks the trip up and, in my opinion, makes the drive feel more like an adventure than a tedious task. Plus, it gives you something new to talk about! In my experience, these short stop overs have sometimes been the highlight of the trip. You never know if you don't go. ;-)

    Be flexible


    This point piggy backs off the above point. Just because you set out a plan of places to visit doesn't mean you can't deviate from it - you just might have a great experience doing something unexpected.

    Don't plan to drive too much in one day and take frequent rest stops


    Going on marathon driving sessions is physically and mentally draining. It's also dangerous. Try to drive less than 250 miles per day.


    More ideas here

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