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American Road Trip Talk (Podcast)– Nathan Schock: Corn Power

Foster Braun



American Road Trip Talk (Podcast)– Nathan Schock: Corn Power

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It's highway robbery every time we pull up to the gas station. Whether it's political turmoil in the Middle East or pure greed on the part of oil companies, there always seems to be an excuse for jacking up the prices Well there are some folks in the heartland of America working to break that dependence on foreign fuels at a company called POET, a company formed in the mid-80's to turn corn into ethanol, liquid fuel that has been included in most of our gasoline.

In one of our past TripTalks I interviewed Tom Holm who went on a 10,000 mile Eco Trek across the country in vehicles powered solely by cellulosic ethanol, derived from farm waste like corn husks, leaves and stubble. (EcoTrek TripTalk ) POET provided Tom with that fuel and in this podcast I speak with Nathan Schock their PR director about producing ethanol to break our addiction to foreign fuels.


American Road Trip Talk (Podcast)– Nathan Schock: Corn Power

Click here to listen... (11:00)

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Feel free to comment, criticize and correct our podcasts because we are always looking to make them better. In particular, if you know of anyone who might make a good subject for these podcasts, please let me know in the comments section. See you soon on the great American Road.

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