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American Road Trip Talk (Podcast): Mike Marselis: Granddad The Fish

Foster Braun




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The Spring 2015 issue of American Road Magazine was dedicated to tracking down the Ancients along the American highway. One of the stories was a fish tale about the oldest resident at the world famous Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Its name is “Granddad”, and he’s an Australian lungfish, a scaly survivor of prehistoric times found in very few places around the globe. Our guest, Mike Marselis, is one of the aquarists at the museum who has some interesting stories to tell about Granddad.



This podcast is made possible by the 9th Annual Red Carpet Corridor Festival coming May 2nd & 3rd. The festival traverses 13 Communities from Joliet to Towanda along a 90-mile stretch of Old Route 66 that collectively celebrates the Mother Road. Each town puts together its own events for the weekend, making for a great shopping and sightseeing experience.


Gather the family and take a trip down memory lane. Towns include Joliet, Elwood, Wilmington, Braidwood, Godley, Braceville, Gardner, Dwight, Odell, Pontiac, Chenoa, Lexington and Towanda. Visit www.il66redcarpetcorridor.org for full details.





Isn't it time you found your next natural adventure? Come explore, relax, refresh, discover. Levy County, the heart of Florida's Natural Paradise, is waiting for you on the Gulf Coast 103 miles north of Tampa! Visit Levy County during their "Watermelon Festival" in Chiefland, Florida June 6, 2015. It will be a wonderful way to start your summer. For more information visit www.visitnaturecoast.com Levy Co Florida.



Levy Co. EOTMcalendar201503




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