In the Spring 2014 issue in the Friends in the Fast Lane department, we show a Kansas artist David DeArmond who was so moved by the 1916 Midland Trail Tour guide that he began painting scenes mentioned in the book. Now people like our guest, Joan Nothern, of the Solomon Valley Hwy 24 Heritage Alliance are making that nearly century old driving guide come alive. Joan is the president of that association and right here shares the story behind their efforts to rediscover the forgotten transcontinental Midland Trail. Joan will share the vision she and her associates have for restoring the awareness of this remarkable homemade link between oceans that sprang up in the early days of touring cars. To spur that effort on, the alliance is going to showcase the historic Midland Trail Guide at the Kansas Sampler Festival on May 3-4in Wamego, KS. For more information about that festival visit
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Today’s interview is brought to you by the Illinois Route 66 Scenic Byway--Where the Mother Road Begins. From famous road-side restaurants to hidden gems, Route 66 in Illinois offers a journey back in time.
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