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American Road Triptalk (Podcast)- Vicki Royer: Ace In The Hole Part 2

Foster Braun



blog-0591231001334815563.jpgAmerican Road Triptalk (Podcast)- Vicki Royer: Ace in the Hole Part 2

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Behind all the romance of the motor courts that grew up in the early 50’s, there is a story of dedication and hard work on the part of the families that owned them. In this second part of our conversation, Vicki Royer, talks about how she landed at the Ace Motel in northwest South Dakota. She left home to pursue her own dreams, which took her to the gaming tables of Las Vegas where she became a skilled dealer. I fact Vicki was so good she was chosen to deal cards for the World Championship of Poker. But as they say, there’s no place like home and we pick up the conversation with Vicki Royer as she talks about returning home to help her parents run the family motel in Belle Fourche, South Dakota.






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