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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!

A Ford On The Lincoln


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My wife and I will be starting a coast to coast road trip this summer. We wiil be travelling the Lincoln Highway from San Francisco to New York City. We will then drive north to Plymouth Rock where we will make our return trip on the Yellowstone Trail. We will be driving our 1959 Ranchero and for shelter we will be towing a 1967 Montgomery Ward's tent trailer. I will be blogging the trip, and in fact I already started the blog to discuss some of the preparations for the trip. The blog is : www.afordonthelincoln.blogspot.com . I will be updating the blog about every 2 weeks, on the first and the 15th until late May or the 1st of June, then my goal is daily or every other day.

Bill von Tagen

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