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Route 66 Trip

Joel Cook

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I'm planning a 2013 trip going west. I've been a big fan of Route 66 for many years. Unfortunately, I've only done portions in Arizona. I have plenty of books on the history, but what I need is the definitive book re: Route 66 today. Including significant sites that are still standing, maps and suggested restaurants. If you have a book or other reference you've found helpful, would you be kind enough to share with me? Thanks, Joel

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If you have an iPhone or iPad - check out "Road Trip 66" http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/road-trip-66/id415478066?mt=8. It is updated about 2-4 times a year, and has the original routes mapped out. Plus, it will find you and show what attractions, eateries, etc. are nearby.


Everyone always raves about the "Here it is! Map Series" http://amzn.to/OebhGK, and I like the Route 66 EZ Guide http://amzn.to/PdCeeN. The National Historic Route 66 has some great bundle packs of essential guides.http://www.national66.org/route-66-online-store/


And here is a list of resource that I use. http://roadtrip66.com/resources/


Happy trails!


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  • 4 months later...

You can also get a Memory card for your GPS with all of the Route 66 Points of interest one it. Also very helpful.


You can also download the GPS info at http://www.historic66.com/gps/


Viva Route 66!




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