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American Road Magazine
Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!


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Posts posted by clfritz

  1. I live in London Ohio which almost always has the cheapest gas around, usually even lower than Columbus. People drive 20 miles to come to London to fill up their tanks. Yesterday it was $2.23 and is probably lower today.

  2. My name is Cristy and I too am a born and breed Buckeye. I grew up a half block from the National Road and was always intrigued with its history. I grew up just east of Columbus where there are still many mile markers for the National Road so I always had a constant reminder of the road and its importance in history. Like many of you, I grew up with family vacations and road trips and am old (?) enough to remember traveling many roads before the interstates. That was my introduction to road trips and as we grow up we tend to get nostolgic. As a kid, I was pretty lucky and traveled most of the country with the exception of the pacific northwest and new england. As an adult, I finally made it to new england and feel in love with Maine and US 1. Now a days I tend to focus on classic two lane roads and following historical trails (Santa Fe trail etc). My partner and I met over our love of road trips and try to go out almost every weekend even if its just looking for covered bridges or picking an unknown road and seeing where it takes us.

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