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Posts posted by cityboy1986
I'll add U.S. 90 from Mobile, Ala., to New Orleans, La., especially in Miss. where it is right along the Gulf.
Any town with a war memorial, including Hattiesburg (U.S. 11) and Canton (U.S. 51). Old courthouses are bonuses for some.
Some people like old through truss bridges--U.S. 80 in Hinds and Warren Counties, Miss., Old U.S. 82 over the Tombigbee River in Columbus, Old U.S. 81 between Temple and Belton, Tex.
Belated wishes to you from me as well!
Thanks for sharing the pics and videos. I passed through this town many times as a child without giving a second thought to the buildings to the east of the highway. I simply thought of Georgetown as the place between Monticello and Crystal Springs where there was a stop sign.
Echoing Alex's post, the community in which I live was said to be thriving until the railroad closed in 1933. The post office closed in the early '50s, and the store lasted until the mid-1980s. The only way to tell there was once a town is the old school (which now functions as a preschool).
Welcome, Hutchman! Like Denny, I cannot help, but I can look.
Thanks for the videos! Unfortunately, I only have time for a few quick notes. I couldn't get the one of Fla. A1A to work; the site says it is set to private.
Even if those oranges are for juicing, I am glad I wash fruit and vegetables.
You weren't driving the Dixie; you were flying!
That is a nice bridge; too bad it has been defaced. Maybe one day it will be repainted.
Looking forward to more,
Congratulations, Dave! When do we get the advertising brochures? <grin>
Since many of the old trails had alternate routes, yours fits right in.
I hope you're resting, and I look forward to seeing the movies and pictures.
Music to Shake, Rattle and Roll By.
The Springfield State Journal Register had a neat article called "Tunes for Temblors."
Some suggestions:
AC/DC- "You Shook Me All Night Long"
Beatles- "Twist & Shout"
Bill Haley & the Comets-- 2 songs
Carol King--
John Mellancamp-
Stevie Ray Vaughan--
Stray Cats--
Can You Guess These?
Guessing on a few of them:
Cars - Shake It Up
Bill Haley and His Comets - Shake, Rattle and Roll and (We're Gonna) Rock around the Clock
Carole King - I Feel the Earth Move
John Mellencamp - R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.
Elvis Presley - All Shook Up
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
I would add Harry Belafonte's "Shake, Shake, Senora," the Swinging Blue Jeans' "Hippy Hippy Shake," Sam Cooke's "Shake" and James and Bobby Purify's "Shake a Tail Feather."
The gas pump looks original to these untrained eyes as well. The building looks old enough, and, and as you said, the island does look like it never held another pump. You made a great find.
Those shots of snow are making me cold. Of course, that isn't enough to make me not want to be there; that seems like a great part of the country.
As always, thanks for the pictures.
Thanks for sharing the project. For the section south of Flagstaff, are you following the last route the highway took? I noticed that in places like Florence Junction, even that isn't possible. I'm looking forward to more.
I had the problem of not being recognised on the same computer with the old software for about a month. Then, like Alex, one day it just started remembering me.
I would visit the board on average every two days at school, and I would have to log in every (or almost every) time. When I would go home every two weeks, it would remember me every time. I was using (and still use) the Opera browser both at home and at school. Those gremlins get around.
If you have trouble remembering names and passwords, might I suggest Opera? There is a feature called "Wand" that remembers names and passwords. The only problem I have had so far is that some sites require a visitor to use Internet Explorer or Netscape just to view the site.
Sometimes the best gems are in the small towns. Poplarville, Miss., still has (as of 2006) an old fashioned drugstore with a soda fountain. I stopped in for a chocolate soda or three when I was in college there.
It doesn't look like Independence has been without its JC Penney for long. There were still three department stores downtown in my hometown until earlier this decade: Sears, Penney's (it had that '50s or '60s style script) and Lampton's, a local. The drugstore downtown still has a sign reading, "A Walgreen Agency," and there is a faded Coke ad on the side of one of the buildings.
I'm one of the ones who wants to join you. Unfortunately, exams are this week and next and my car is parked at home for now. Someday...
I'm glad you missed the hailstorm; those aren't fun.
Thanks for the photos; I wish I had stopped by the forum before now!
Tracy, who is now off to read the rest of the forum
ETA: In your post intoducing the Hypotenuse Trail, you asked if I can "see" things as they once were. Most downtown areas (at least in this part of the country) have changed only in the types of businesses (thrift stores instead of department stores, etc.), so it is somewhat easy for me to imagine the cars as Studebakers and Hudsons rather than Toyotas and Hondas. I don't necessarily try to imagine the various businesses in a town unless I know the specifics from old signs, old photos, newspaper articles or personal memories. For example, I cannot pass the Chamber of Commerce in Starkville without seeing the "Giant Market" sign above the door. Rails are easier for me to imagine, since I have a better idea of exactly which lines the tracks were parts of, assuming there are still signs of the tracks (I couldn't tell you exactly where the old bridge across the river, destroyed sometime in the 1970s, was). I guess what I am saying is that I see a sort of ghost image, where the specifics are not present but the general feel is there.
Welcome, Starfire! I had the opportunity to travel U.S. 90 from Luling to Vidor; unfortunately, I was in a bit of a rush so I did not get a chance to take many pictures of the area. I am glad that you will be able to fill in the (many) holes that I left in my photos.
I am an anomaly of my generation, as I also enjoy tunes of the 50s-60s, so you are not the only one who blasts those tunes.
Thanks for sharing, Keep! I will spend more time following the entire trip when I get the time, but I did try to find the rock cabin. There are a few spots in what I think is the area that look as if they may have contained something, but like Mobilene, I am more used to my area of the country (like finding old bridges/roads/structures in the woods or covered in kudzu). I will spend more time looking tomorrow.
Thanks for the correction on the fins. I'm not that big on Chrysler products (it goes back to my grandparents not liking them), and my carspotting isn't the best in the world.
There are still human toll collectors at the northern end of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway. If I remember correctly, there are still some on the Greater New Orleans (er Crescent City Connection) Bridge as well. Luckily, we in Miss. have no toll roads.
You keep sending out videos from one of my favourite states (outside of the major cities and their suburbs, anyway). Those yellow and white centre markings do look nice against relatively new asphault.
Am I the only one who thinks of Herbie the Love Bug when seeing the Volkswagen racing around the curves (minus, of course, the white paint, racing stripes and the number 53)? It helps that the movie also took place in Calif.
Nice fins on that white car that drives past the camera. Yes, I am a fan of the fins, including those from General Motors for the 1959 model year.
Great footage of the freight train as well. I'm very familiar with Southern Pacific since many of my travels to the West have been along their old lines. The streamlined era of locomotives is the one I like the most.
Thanks for another great video! I know it's not easy going through hours of footage for a few minutes of road scenes, but those scenes are much appreciated.
Keep, I don't have a video camera, so regular old (albeit digital) photographs are all I can take. I do have photographs of, for example, a spectactularly coloured bird or a strangely-shapen tree, but those are rare.
Even looking at our photos from fifteen years ago, it is amazing how much has changed in our own home. We still had a TV with knobs and a telephone with a cord, and much of the furniture is different. We did not have a microwave oven yet, and our refrigerator was an avocado-coloured one from the '70s. Those are the cherished photos, rather than those pictures of the desert taken in about 1977 by my mother.
My dad still has his Mustang, but he has unfortunately let it go past the point of being a collector's item. I'm not even sure if it still runs. Are you sure you don't mean Thunderbird? I don't think Mustangs started being produced until the early 1960s ('64 1/2?). My parents own a 1994 Thunderbird, but that of course has nowhere near the value of one from the '50s.
I handed in my answers for the '65 video, and I hope I passed. I want to be graduated in May!
The difference that I saw first (minus the old cars) was that the Central Skyway was still around in its full configuration.
Trucks were allowed to cross the Golden Gate Bridge until 1989, as my dad remembers crossing it once. Since then, most of his deliveries in the area have been on the east side of the bay.
With the lighting, it is hard for me to tell whether the sign is black or the dark green in use during the 1960s. California started erecting green signs in 1958 or 1959, IIRC, but black signs were probably still around in 1965 (there are even some still around today, such as the one in the photograph below, located in Oakland). California also has a tendency for keeping signs in use until they (sometimes literally) fall. One of the first things I noticed in Calif. was the use of greenout, the covering up of the U.S. Highway shields for highways that had not been in the state for (at the time) thirty-five years.
Had you shown the sections of 101 that run on city streets, the changes would be much more apparent, especially in signage (stop signs lost their rectangular shape in the middle, yield signs became red, etc.).
Thanks for another great video!
Thanks for another movie, Keep! My dad's '65 Mustang would feel at home in those shots. The Caddy is nice as well.
Are you saying none of those nature shots show something we cannot see today
? I have very little shots of nature, choosing instead to focus on things like roads, bridges, buildings and people, since those things will probably be gone long before the scenery has changed.
I'm glad you were reunited with your friends. See them again before waiting another forty-two years!
Looking forward to more,
I am glad you are going to post more movies. Whether by mistake or not, they are great glimpses of a time I will never see for myself.
I see now that the road was paved. I'll blame my seeing it as gravel on my being used to modern two-lane roads and the fact that it was after one a.m. when I posted. Of course, it can simply mean I need stronger glasses.
Thankfully, there are enough relatively-untouched old roads in this area that I can envision somewhat what travel was like in the '60s and before. The road I live on was an important highway route until about 1945, and it may be narrower than the road in your movie. Of course, the visions of travel in days past disappear closer to the bigger cities (and the 1987 highway program that has given many of our US highways four lanes or more does not help).
Since you mention the Redwood Highway, my (uneducated) guess at the ferry would be U.S. 101 at Astoria, Ore. My 1957 atlas shows the route as a ferry crossing, and Wikipedia says the bridge opened in August of 1966.
The guy using both sides of the card has me rolling as well. That reminds me of when I tried to "recycle" my typewriter ribbon at the age of ten or so.
Tracy, who just might be earning the nickname of Rambler (but it's better than Edsel!)
Out of all the cars I have been in, my favourite in terms of comfort and gas mileage is my grandmother's '04 Chevy Impala. Its gas mileage is not much less than that of my own car, a subcompact, and it has every feature for which I have a need (or want).
Those factors aside, I would like something from about 1948 through 1960, when the fins started to disappear.
Thanks for the movie, Keep! Photographs are nice, but for me movies can tell so much more.
It looks like everyone had a fun trip, especially the parts where you were speeding down a gravel road and tasting wine.
As one who has had his share of uninvited houseguests, can I borrow those home movies
? Or I guess I could do the poor man's version by putting pictures on a disc shown through a Viewfinder and playing a Frank Ifield album (especially one that includes "I Remember You"). Speaking of music, you chose a nice version of "Those Were the Days."
Like Denny, I think I'll skip the movies of the baby. Those 1880 movies do sound like something I would watch, though
. I could see my great-grandfather as a 16-year-old.
Seriously, I am looking forward to more clips from the days of punch cards, three TV networks, music on most major AM radio stations and renting phones from the Bell System.
Thanks for the pictures! I am sorry to have missed your post asking if we wanted to see them or not.
That Olds makes me glad my ignition is inside the car. I'm lazy enough as it is without having to get near the ground on cold or hot days. That colour is enough to make up for the crank, though.
It looks like the Stanley's owner had a liking of John Deere.
If I were younger and next to a Franklin, I'd probably slide down the hood as one would do a bannister.
Thanks again for the visit to 1967. It is amazing how far cars have advanced just in the past 100 years; even by 1967, they were very different machines from the ones at Harrah's.
I got a Magellan Maestro 3100. If you decide to go with this line, I recommend going one or two up since the 3100 has only 750,000 Points of Interest for the lower 48 (it seems like a lot, but the number leaves out many, especially in this part of the country). The estimated time the trip will take seems to be off as well, but I have not yet updated the firmware (waiting until I get back to school with the Ethernet connection).
I treated myself to a DeLorme Miss. atlas, which is helpful for finding old alignments in the field. It's also useful in geocaching, where there are DeLorme challenges for almost every (if not every) state. Now to save up for the rest of them <grin>.
To our recent new members, welcome!
I just realised I have never properly introduced myself, despite being a member for a couple of years. I am twenty-one, and I am a Senior majoring in History at Miss. State U., although I live in the southern part of the state. My interest in roads comes indirectly from my dad, who has been driving a truck since I was two. I would follow his travels on my maps at home.
Later I began to notice the lines beside the interstate--"look at 11; it follows I-59 all the way" (at the time, I did not know that it was I-59 that follows 11, not the other way around). After I started riding with my dad on the truck, I noticed not much besides trees can be seen from the interstates, at least in this part of the country. After I started driving, I realised that I much prefer driving the two-laners that go through the towns instead of bypassing them. Sure, the drive is a bit slower, but I get much more out of driving down the main streets than flying by at 70 m.p.h.
My interest in old maps started about a decade ago. One of my favourite books was _Cheaper by the Dozen_, and there is a mention in that book of the _Automobile Blue Book_. A bit over three and one-half years ago, I finally owned a version, the 1926 Vol. 2, covering the Mid Atlantic and Southern states. That has been followed by a 1957 48 state atlas and a few Miss. maps ranging from 1932 to 1976.
Now I follow two-lanes almost as much as possible, even for long trips, such as the trip I took from Texas this summer. I would have followed two-lanes to Dallas, but my trucker dad was driving, so it was Interstate and four-lane 49 all the way.
Great American Road Trip
in General Discussion
I've been watching the show online (since I can't get NBC over the air, and I refuse to pay for many channels I wouldn't watch on cable). In the first few episodes I liked the Cootes, but lately they've treated their winnings of the challenges like they were expected. Silvio DiSalvatore irritated me at first (especially when saying Chicago and Saint Louis aren't big cities), but he's grown on me.
I wish they'd strictly stick to 66 instead of going to places like Branson, Mo., but it's an entertaining summer show.