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Celebrating our two-lane highways of yesteryear…And the joys of driving them today!


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Posts posted by igorL85

  1. I know there is a similar loop on the Norbeck Scenic Byway in the Black Hills of South Dakota (http://www.byways.org/explore/byways/2459/). More are described at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigtail_bridge. Of course, being from Oregon, the Steinman crossing is my favorite.


    Enjoy the trip!


    Patrick S.



    I am on the road to California from the Puget Sound on an unplanned trip, but tomorrow I want to photograph and share a couple of neat spots on the old Pacific Highway (AKA US99). One is the loop between Ashland and the California border, at the coordinates at the bottom of the Google Earth screen capture below.


    Are there other instances you know of where a major highway looped back over itself?






    Keep the Show on the Road


  2. Greetings fellow highway enthusiasts!


    As other posts have mentioned (Pacific Highway/US 99), a process is currently

    underway to determine the future of the Interstate Bridge over the Columbia

    River. The Columbia River Crossing Task Force (www.columbiarivercrossing.org)

    has been set up and is currently discussing which alternatives to consider for

    further study in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Alternatives

    can be viewed on the Task Force website listed above. If alternatives that retain

    the historic bridges (# 3 - 7) are not selected for further consideration,

    the Interstate Bridge is a goner.


    A great article about the Interstate Bridge appeared in the Winter 2003 issue (Vol 1, #3)

    of American Road, and more historical information is available on various websites.


    The time to act is now! I've prepared a template letter that you

    can add your name to and send in to the Task Force. (The letter is attached.)

    The next task force meeting is WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, so if we

    send in many letters the rest of this week and weekend, we may be able to

    have an influence by this upcoming meeting. Send comments to

    feedback@columbiarivercrossing.org or check the website for instructions.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Becky Repp. Please help

    save this important historic resource of Highway 99 and the Pacific Highway!



    Patrick Singleton

    Portland, OR



  3. Greetings fellow highway enthusiasts!


    As previous posts mentioned, a process is currently underway to determine

    the future of the Interstate Bridge over the Columbia River. The Columbia

    River Crossing Task Force (www.columbiarivercrossing.org) has been set up

    and is currently discussing which alternatives to consider for further study

    in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Alternatives can be

    viewed on the Task Force website listed above. If alternatives that retain

    the historic bridges (# 3 - 7) are not selected for further consideration,

    the Interstate Bridge is a goner.


    A great article about the Interstate Bridge appeared in the Winter 2003 issue

    of American Road, and more historical information is available on various websites.


    The time to act is now! I've prepared a template letter that you

    can add your name to and send in to the Task Force. (The letter is attached.)

    The next task force meeting is WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, so if we

    send in many letters the rest of this week and weekend, we may be able to

    have an influence by this upcoming meeting. Send comments to

    feedback@columbiarivercrossing.org or check the website for instructions.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Please help save this

    important historic resource of Highway 99 and the Pacific Highway!



    Patrick Singleton

    Portland, OR



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